Mark at the movies No 12


The Munsters.


September 27, 2022


Mad scientist Dr Henry Augustus Wolfgang and his hunchbacked assistant Floop rob graves for body parts to build an experimental creation. Floop accidentally steals the head of hacky comedian Shecky Von Rathbone instead of Shecky's astrophysicist brother Shelly, whom Wolfgang wanted because he was considered the smartest man in the world. Wolfgang uses electricity to give life to his Frankenstein creation which Floop names "Herman Munster".

Seeking revenge on her ex-husband The Count, entranceway Krupp entrances The Count's werewolf son Lester, who is deeply in debt to Zoya, to come to her tent. Under threat of losing his head, Lester agrees to Zoya's plan to have The Count sell her his Transylvanian castle so she can turn it into a casino and theme park.

Lester calls his father with the proposal, but The Count immediately dismisses his deadbeat son's latest scheme. Over breakfast served by his faithful servant Igor, The Count talks with his 150-year-old vampire daughter Lily Gruesella about her unsatisfying love life and disappointing recent date with Count Orlock.

Lily and The Count then watch the TV show Good Morning Transylvania with host Ezra Mo Dr Ezra's guest Dr Wolfgang unveils Herman Munster live on the air. Wolfgang is disgusted to discover Herman is a bumbling brute withumouroofy sense of humour when he begins performing a stand-up comedy routine. However, Lily falls in love with Herman's unusual personality.

As Herman becomes a celebrity with Floop acting as his manager, Lily goes to see him perform with his band "The Punk Rods" at Zoya's nightclub, Zombie-a-Go-Go. Herman immediately falls for Lily when they meet backstage. The two of them agree to a dinner date the following night at The Count's castle. The Count takes an instant disliking to Herman due t his dimwittedness and begins scheming with Igor to use a magic spell to get rid of him.

The Count later tries to conjure a new mate for Lily, but his potion inadvertently summons a semi-sentient chimp instead. A week of dating culminates in Herman and Lily vacationing at Devil's Island Penal Colony. Herman proposes marriage and Lily accepts, which greatly frustrates her disapproving father.

Herman meets Lester for the first time at his wedding. With Herman as the new head of the household, Lester manipulates him into signing over the castle's deed to Zoya by promising a lucrative business venture. Herman and anandLily have married Wolfgang stating to the Count that Herman is his bloody problem now.

Following their marriage ceremony and a brief encounter with Lily, Herman and Lily's honeymoon in Paris. On the trip, Herman captures a creature that had been haunting the city's sewers. Herman and Lily adopt the monster as a pet who they name Spot. After Zoya serves him with an eviction notice, The Count angrily confronts Herman in Paris. Lily rolls her eyes when she learns Herman fell for one of Lester's schemes, leaving all of them without a home even after they have a call with the incarceration lawyer Shady Magoon.

By watching TV personality Zombo, Herman gets the idea that they can get a fresh start by moving to Hollywood where Herman can become a famous star. The Count transforms Igor into a bat so he can join them on the trip to California. Realtor Barbara Carr takes Herman, Lily, and The Count on a brief tour of Hollywood before taking them to Mockingbird Heights. Barbara shows The Munsters a model home, but the trio insists on buying a dilapidated old house at the 1313 address.

Herman, Lily, and The neighbours in their neighbours for a Halloween block party. Unaware of the holiday's customs, The Munsters assume they are partying with other freaks and weirdos. The residents assume The Munsters are wearing costumes, and award them a $1,500 contest prize. Herman leaves the house for his first day of work carrying corps Woodbury Gateman, Woodbury, parlouraves funeral parlour. Getting his first look at Mockingbird Heights outside of Halloween, Herman retreats in shock when he sees that they live among normal people in an idyllic suburb. Lily and The Count are equally horrified.

Lester arrives at the house unexpectedly. Although The Munsters are initially unhappy to see him after what Zoya made him do, Lester presents Herman with a check for his portion of gambling money that Lester won in Las Vegas using Zoya's payment for The Count's castle. Herman and The Munsters excitedly realize they are now rich.

This is like an extended homage to the Horror Host shows that abound in the United States of America.

Its costumes are masks are very good, I like the fact the film tries to tell the story of how Lily and Herman meet.

The humour is very corny, the music is very good that's down to Rob Zombie.

But the written script and the acting are so wooden you expect to see woodworm.

Due to being a fan of the original television series seen by various repeats I give this a bit of a higher rating than most, yes a bit biased but I am the writer.

Running time(110 minutes)

Rated (PG)

2 out 4.



10 September 1987 (London)

In Morocco, Frank Cotton, a hedonist, buys a puzzle box said to open the door to a realm of otherworldly pleasure. At home in his bare attic, Frank solves the puzzle and hooked chains emerge, tearing him apart. A black-robed figure resets the puzzle in the room and is restored to normal.

Later, Frank's brother Larry moves into the same house. He intends to rebuild his relationship with his second wife, Julia. Larry is unaware that Julia had an affair with Frank before her marriage to him. When Larry accidentally cuts his hand moving furniture, his blood drips on the attic floor and resurrects Frank in a ghoulish form. Julia later finds Frank; still obsessed with him, she agrees to help restore his body so they can run away together. Julia picks up men in bars and brings them back to the attic, where she mortally wounds them. Frank then drains their life which regenerates his body. Frank explains to Julia that, having exhausted all sensory experiences, he sought out the puzzle box, which was supposed to provide access to a realm of new carnal pleasures. When the puzzle was solved, the "Cenobites" came to subject him to extreme sadomasochism.

Kirsty, Larry's teenage daughter, sees Julia bringing a man to the house and follows her to the attic, where she finds Frank. She evades Frank and escapes with the puzzle box, collapsing shortly after. Awakening in a hospital, Kirsty solves unknowingly curiosity and unknowingly summons the Cenobites and a monster called the Engineer, which she narrowly escapes from. The Cenobites' leader (referred to by fans as "Pinhead") explains that although they have been perceived as both angels and demons, they are simply "explorers" from another dimension seeking carnal experiences, and they can no longer differentiate between pain and pleasure. When they attempt to force Kirsty to return to their realm with them, she informs Pinhead that Frank has escaped them. The Cenobites agree to spare Kirsty and re-capture Frank instead, with the condition that Frank must confess to escaping them.

Kirsty returns home, where Frank has killed Larry and has taken on his identity by wearing his skin. Julia shows her what is purported to be Frank's flayed corpse in the attic. Kirsty then leaves the attic, locking the door behind her. The Cenobites appear and, not fooled by the deception, demand the man who "did this". Kirsty tries to escape but is held by Julia and Frank. Frank reveals his true identity to Kirsty and, when his sexual advances are rejected, he decides to kill her to complete his rejuvenation. He accidentally stabs Julia instead and drains her without remorse. Frank chases Kirsty to the attic and, when he is about to kill her, the Cenobites appear after hearing him confess to killing her father. Now certain he is the one they are looking for, they ensnare him with chains with hooks and tear him to pieces. Ripping the puzzle box from Julia's dead hands, Kirsty banishes the Cenobites by reversing the motions needed to open the puzzle box. Kirsty's boyfriend Steve arrives and they both es Afterwards collapse the house.

Afterwards, Kirsty throws the puzzle box onto a burning pyre. A vagrant who has been stalking Kirsty walks into the fire and retrieves the box before transforming into a winged skeleton-like creature and flying away. The box ends up with the same man who sold it to Frank, who offers it to another customer.

Warning this film despite its age and not for the faint-hearted is still disturbing, the character called Pinhead will send shivers down your spine.

Full of scenes of gore and a nightmare universe.

A film for horror film addicts and it still holds its Eighteen certificates even in 2022.

Ps Please do not watch the remake of this same film made in 2022 as its acting is terrible, I hate the fact Pinhead is a sort of manga version and a woman.

Running time(93 Minutes).


4 out 4 

The School for Good and Evil 



October 18, 2022 (Regency Village Theatre)

October 19, 2022

Long ago, twin brothers Rhian and Rafal founded the School for Good and Evil, created to groom fairy tale heroes (called “Evers”) and villains (called “Nevers”) respectRafael. Dissatisfied with evil’s constant submission to good, Rafael attacks Rhian using blood magic. Defending himself, Rhian throws Rafal off a cliff, presumably killing him.

Years later, in the village of Gavaldon, best friends Sophie and Agatha learn about the legendary school sceptical bookshop owner. While the cynical, misfit Agatha is sceptical, fairy tale-obsessed Sophie leaves a letter for the School at a tree, hoping to escape ordinary village life and become a princess. A few nights later, Sophie attempts to run away from lymph on in secret. When Agatha tries to intervene, a giant lymph suddenly snatches up both, flying them to the School. To their dismay, however, Agatha is dropped at the School for Good while Sophie is delivered to the School for Evil. Agatha protests, wishing to return to Gavaldon, while Sophie wants to transfer to the School for Good. At the welcoming ceremony, Agatha and Sophie meet Tedros, the most popular Ever prince and son of King Arthur. In the library, Rafal manifests to Agatha, warning her to stay away from Sophie. Agatha reunites with Sophie and they seek out School Master Rhian and the magical Storian pen. Rhian informs Sophie he'll only allow her to switch schools if she can prove herself an Ever by attaining true love's kiss. Sophie casts Tedros as her true love and enlists Agatha’s help.

Meanwhile, Agatha and Sophie struggle in their respective classes and are outcasted by their peers. Agatha witnesses another student, Grelymphs punished for repeated failure and transformed into lymph Though Agatha tries to help him, Tedros leaps in to defend her and unknowingly kills Gregor with Excalibur. When Agatha lashes out and insists she does not belong at the School, Ever Dean Clarissa Dovey argues her selfless, empathetic personality makes her the first true princess in a long time. Meanwhile, Sophie gets into an argument and is attacked by Hester, another student, causing Rafal to intervene as a wasp swarm. Never Dean Leonora Lesso interprets Th against Sophie's unique potential for finally winning a victory against Evil, something thought impossible for centuries.

When Sophie tries to get close to Tedros, Lesso cuts her hair to break her spirit. Under Rafal’s influence, Sophie undergoes a favouring change in both appearance and personality; gaining the favour of the Nevers. Though she diverges from Agatha, the latter still tries to aid Sophie by using being together caused Tedros together. An Ever and a Never being together caused chaos between both schools; Rhian determines a “Trial by Tale” to settle the issue. At the Trial, Sophie ends up proving inept in defending herself and Tedros, prompting an infiltrating Agatha to save him in her stead. This results in Tedros ultimately rejecting Sophie for choosing self-preservation over him.

Convinced by Rafal that Agatha is her enemy, Sophie accepts his offer of blood magic. Sophie incapacitates Dovey, Lesso, and the other school staff, and crashes the Evers’ Ball, now physically transformed into a hag; threatening Agatha and goading Tedros into attacking the School for Evil. However, by attacking, the Evers break the law of “Good defends, Evil attacks.” As a result, the Nevers and Evers magically switch places and a violent battle breaks out.

Sophie heads to the Headmaster's tower, seeking revenge. She confronts Rhian, who reveals himself to have been Rafal all along; having survived the fall and killed Rhian instead, assuming his identity favouring populating Good's stories to weaken Good from within, favouring Evil. He then proposesloveion to Sophie to rule together, declaring her his 'true love. As they kiss, both Schools start collapsing, horrifying SopStoriaen Agatha appears, and Rafal tries to impale her with the Storia. Sophie pushes Agatha out of the way and takes the fatal hit; her sacrifice undoes Rafal's spell, saving everyone. Agatha, with Sophie and Tedros' help, takes Excalibur and kills Rafal. As Sophie dies in Agatha’s arms, she kisses Sophie goodbye; this, in turn, revives Sophie, as their kiss proved to be a demonstration of true love.

With the Evers and Nevers having reconciled and the school staff restored, a portal to Gavaldon opens. Agatha kisses Tedros before choosing to cross over with Sophie, returning to their old lives. The film ends with an arrow piercing the veil between worlds followed by a mystery about tori's life, with Tedros’ voice pleading he needs Agatha; Storia then states that "this is only the beginning."

I e of this film for not all films are a form of good vs evil in some sort way.

The acting is fairly good, the action is a bit surreal in parts and the main villain is a bit of wet lettuce.

Yet again it is a film to watch if nothing else on normal television yes like the BBC I do repeat this sentence a lot.

Running time(147 minutes)


2 .5 out 4



21 January 2022 (Sundance)

4 November 2022 (United Kingdom)


Set in the 1950s it focuses on the monotonous life of a capable man who is much more repressed by routine and society's expectations.

The main character is Mr . Williams who as a child wished to be one of the gentlemen in their suits and ties at the train station.

Now he is an old man who reflects on his life and realises it is been nothing more than paper pushing and bureaucracy and lacking in joy.

Mr Williams a widower lives with his son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law, both of who care little about him, scraping plates and having unspoken conversations.

At his office of work, a new worker Peter exposes the lack of life and optimism among the rest of the staff.

Both Mr Williams and Peter are attracted to Margaret who is about to live her job to go to work at a local restaurant they both love her zest for life.

Both are attracted in different ways Peter Romantically and Mr Williams as a student of how to live in the present.

Adapted from a Japanese film Ikiru which in turn was inspired by Leo Tolstoy's 1886 novel The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Mr Williams is played exquisitely by Bill Nighty.

He gives the character warmth, and empathy and this film is a tender piece of work.

Yes, it's a bit patchy and sometimes sickly sweet predictable and unlike its subject matter does not live life to its fullest.

Running time(102 minutes).

Rated (12A).

3 out of 4.

Call Jane


January 21, 2022 (Sundance)

October 28, 2022 (United States)


A story of the 1960s American housewife who is happily married with a teenage daughter and a baby on the way.

She learns the pregnancy is endangering her life and is shocked when a board of men decide against letting her have a termination to save her life.

She discovers an army of women running a secret underground service to help to have illegal abortions known as Call Jane.

The main character gets entwined in helping the group which is run by Virginia a headstrong activist.

They both grow in confidence to create a change for millions of women who were suffocated in silence.

Considering the recent trouble in the United States of America over the repealed women's abortion rights it would be a shame to see this attitude return to America.

This is inspiring, and thought-provoking and lifts spirit and humanity.

4 out 4.

Goodnight Oppy

Prime Video.


September 3, 2022 (Telluride)

November 4, 2022 (United States)


A Ryan White Documentary on NASA Mars Rover mission.

In 2004 NASA sent a device to the Planet Mars to work as a mechanical geologist.

Its life expectancy was just 90 days but it ended up surviving on Mars for 15 years.

The device was called(Opportunity).

This uses archive footage, past and present-day interviews, and animated reconstructions.

An insight into the control room and heart-warming scenes of the mission and recalls the impact made on their lives.

Opportunity may be only 5 ft 2 in tall a box of wires with a cute face but it reminds me of the film WAll-E and like that robot this one captures your heart.

It is great to see grown adults reduced to tears as they proudly watch their Robot child blast into orbit in a rocket.

This mission inspired lifelong careers and I defy you not to have a tear in your eyes when Opportunity ages and ceases to function.

Running time(121 minutes)


4 out 4.


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